Sunday, 10 April 2011

Gain Control Of Your Human Emotions - Change your Life !!!!

Do you struggle with your human emotions?

If you frequently experience emotions like frustration, anxiety, fear, guilt, worry, shame or hopelessness, let's explore the fact that you can end these feelings whenever you decide to.

You see, your human emotions flow directly from the thoughts in your mind. That's right, you thought you were at the mercy of these feelings, but that's just not the case.

You decide which thoughts you allow to enter your mind. Most people think it's the other way around - that human emotion just happens by accident. Negative emotions become their master. They never realize that they're deciding to experience these miserable feelings.

When you experience negative human emotions like guilt, fear or anger, it creates a toxic response in your body. Many health issues are caused by thinking up negative emotions. This toxic response can manifest in ulcers, rashes, high blood pressure, nail biting, vague stomach pain, etc.

We all experience bad situations in life. Stressful situations are just a normal part of being here on earth. While you can't control all the stuff that happens "out there", you absolutely can and do control what happens in your mind.

Neither your situations (environment) nor your body (emotions) rule your mind. The reverse is true. Your brain is just sitting there nice and peaceful, waiting to be told whether it should remain calm and send peaceful signals to your body, or if it should send out alarm signals.

Negative thoughts are toxic and lead to your emotions of anxiety, guilt or hopelessness. However, through "observance", these thoughts can be told to leave your mind. By learning to become the observer of your mind, you can watch your thoughts come in and then decide which ones stay and which ones must go.

Try this the next time one of your negative thoughts pops into your mind. Catch it before it has a chance to turn into a negative human emotion that manifests in your body. Just notice it. Realize that you are its master and you can decide what to do with it.

At the same time, you can notice any positive thought that will fill your body with emotions such as peace, compassion, kindness, love, contentment, joy, calmness or forgiveness.

Bottom line? Your mind doesn't rule you unless you allow it to. You won't be overrun by negative human emotions unless you allow this to happen. Become master of your thoughts and you in turn become master of your emotions.

List of human emotions....

Source :

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