Sunday, 10 April 2011

Some positive effects of climate change?

Some investors make money even during a recession; likewise, some societies and some areas may benefit from climate change. Farming at high northern latitudes, such as in parts of Canada and Russia, could become more productive. An Arctic that is ice-free in summer would allow for new shipping lanes and open the possibility of oil and gas extraction. Deaths from influenza and other cold-weather ailments might go down.

Even though climate change will bring some winners, the net effect is likely to be costly and damaging to our planet and its people. For example, the deaths caused by periodic heat waves, as well as those from the increased range of disease-carrying insects and other factors, are expected to match or outnumber the lives saved through fewer cold-related health problems. Some changes, such as species die-offs, will be irreversible. And some places near or below sea level – including cities such as New Orleans and countries such as the Netherlands and Bangladesh – may be disproportionately hurt by climate change.

SourceEarth Gauge

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